Are you a candidate for the installation of a dental implant?

A large number of adults have serious problems with teeth falling out. The effects of tooth loss from the jaw are more harmful than most people think. The emptiness in a smile has very negative effects on people’s self-confidence and significantly affects their social life. In addition, leaving a gap in the jaw and smile leads to tooth movement or bone deformation, and these are often the main causes of changes in the overall appearance of the face.

Replacing teeth immediately after a loss prevents much higher future treatment costs. Dental implants are long-lasting solutions that are installed with a success rate of 95-98%. If a patient is missing one or more teeth, it is time to consider deciding whether the patient is a candidate for a dental implant.

Before the patient decides to install a dental implant, it is necessary to perform a detailed analysis of the patient’s condition. Careful analysis of the condition allows the dentist and the patient to make a detailed plan for the installation of an artificial tooth. When dental implant placement is carefully planned, adverse situations and potential risks are minimized.

What are the key factors for implant placement?

There are many factors that a dentist must consider before recommending this type of dental procedure. The most important factors are:

  • Appropriate bone structure and density. Proper bone structure and density are the most important factors for dental implant placement. Dental implants “connect” with the jawbone and that’s how their stability is achieved. When the bone does not have the appropriate structure and density, the dental implant will not be able to withstand the forces of chewing. As a result, the installation of a dental implant will not be successful. It is not possible for children and adolescents to install dental implants because their bones are not sufficiently developed. In some situations, smaller dental implants are considered for those patients who do not have sufficient quality bone support. If the patient’s bone is strong enough and has the appropriate density, the patient may be a potential candidate for dental implant placement.
  • Good health. Since the installation of a dental implant requires an appropriate surgical procedure, it is very important that the patient’s health condition is good. Patients who smoke, consume alcohol or have diabetes are at risk of difficult wound healing. The implantation of dental implants is not recommended for certain bone diseases.
  • Healthy gums are essential to support a new dental implant. They “stick” to the dental implant and therefore play a major role in the ultimate aesthetic appearance of a new tooth with an implant. If the patient has gum disease or periodontitis, it is necessary to treat first before installing a dental implant. Therefore, a candidate for a dental implant must have completely healthy gums and jawbone.
  • Age range. If the patient is healthy, age does not play an important role in the treatment plan.
  • Commitment to oral hygiene. Dental implants require a high degree of dental hygiene, as well as daily brushing and flossing. Daily use of interdental toothbrushes and mouthwash is also recommended as a supplement in maintaining oral health. Periodic visits to the dentist are also mandatory. Dental implants must be well cared for, as well as gums. These habits are key to maintaining the health of both your natural teeth and dental implants.
  • Patience. In addition to the listed factors, patience is also an important factor for the installation of dental implants. The process of implant placement and treatment of edentulousness or toothlessness can take a long time, sometimes 6 months. It should be borne in mind that the individualism of the patient plays a significant role, as well as that each installation of a dental implant and therapy are different. That is why patience, good maintenance of oral hygiene and following the dentist’s instructions are key factors for the success of dental implant therapy.

Which patients may not be good candidates for dental implants?

  • Smokers (smoking slows the healing of sores in the mouth and can reduce the success of implants);
  • Pregnant women;
  • Young people or children whose jawbone is still developing;
  • People who consume alcohol or other illicit substances;
  • People who do not maintain oral hygiene. It is very important to keep your mouth and teeth clean for the durability of dental implants;
  • People who have received a large dose of radiation due to head or neck treatment;
  • People with chronic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes, significant immune deficiency, connective tissue diseases and the like. If the patient has one of the above conditions, he can still be a candidate for a dental implant, but it depends on the severity and condition of the chronic disease;
  • People taking certain medications, such as steroids or drugs that suppress the immune system, bisphosphonates;
  • People with severe kidney disease;
  • People with osteoporosis and impaired phosphorus-calcium ratio in the body;
  • People who have bruxism (often conscious or unconscious gnashing of teeth). Such habits can create too much pressure on the dental implant and increase the risk of dental implant failure.
  • People with large jaw bone defects or marked upper and lower jaw mismatch.

sci. dr Mirela Cvjetković

sci. dr Mirela Cvjetković It makes your smile irresistible with the help of veneers or crowns. At the same time it compensates for lost teeth with implants. The road to the final smile is long but definitely worth the patience. You can always contact us with confidence.